Airbnb Hosting 101: Plants!
Can you ever have too many plants? Plants are my favorite way to add warmth, texture, and color into a space. But, if you’re Airbnb hosting, you cannot expect to keep finicky, needy plants that demand constant attention.
Airbnb hosts shouldn’t ask guests to do any watering. So, what plants can you keep alive that need little attention? Plants that require infrequent waterings are ideal. And that doesn’t mean you can only keep cacti around. Here’s my list of favorite plants to decorate with and care for (but not TOO much care). These are low-maintenance, easy greens that are hard to kill.
You can get away with watering aloe plants once a month. They are structural, great in modern spaces, and love deep watering very infrequently.
Light requirement: partial to bright indirect to full sun
Photo credit: Bloomscape
Snake Plant
This particular variety (Moonshine) of snake plant is a bit harder to find, but any snake plant variety will work fantastically in your Airbnb. They adapt to most light conditions and thrive with infrequent watering.
Light requirement: Low to bright indirect light
Photo credit: Bloomscape
Fiddle Leaf Fig
I’m including it on my list because it adds so much color and warmth to a space, but it’s actually not the MOST low-maintenance. I have a happy, large fiddle-leaf that I consistently neglect and I usually give it 1 cup of water per week.
These plants have been trendy for a while, especially in boho-style interiors, but they’re gorgeous. They love bright sunlight, but not direct light. The leaves collect a fair amount of dust, so make sure to dust them every few months. I’ve even vacuumed mine gently with a brush attachment.
Light requirement: Bright indirect light
Photo credit: Bloomscape
Philodendron Heartleaf
This beauty is a trailing plant so it looks great in a hanging basket. Very low maintenance. Water every 10 days or so.
Light requirement: Low to bright indirect light
Photo credit: Bloomscape
Tradescantia Zebrina
If you’re looking to add some color with plants, the Tradescantia Zebrina is the plant for you! These plants offer a big visual impact while requiring little care. You’ll be watering every 7-10 days.
Light requirement: Low to bright indirect light
Photo credit: Bloomscape
ZZ Plant
This plant might be the hardiest in the bunch! They require very little care and manage to thrive beautifully.
Thanks to their root system, you’ll only need water once the entire pot is dry.
Light requirement: Low to bright indirect light
Photo credit: Bloomscape
As long as you have the right lighting conditions, most types of succulents will thrive in your space. Succulents absolutely thrive on neglect. You’ll want to make sure your pot has drainage and water when completely dry.
Lighting requirement: Medium to high direct or indirect light.
Photo credit: Bloomscape
Dried Flowers
This is actually my favorite little Airbnb floral secret: dried floral arrangements can be gorgeous! And I usually change mine out once every six months because they get dusty. But this option is CLEARLY the least maintenance in the bunch ;) These bouquets can go anywhere and have a major design payoff.
Photo credit: Urban Stems Click here to check out Aspen from Urban Stems.